The art of becoming sexually confident and owning your sexuality without shame, guilt, or fear. To become whorified is to gain the experience, knowledge, and communication skills necessary to lose your inhibitions and to confidently take charge of the sex life you have always dreamt of.
Whorified.com is devoted to sexual awareness, alternative lifestyles, kink, and confident sexuality. We are here to explore sexuality and desires with an open mind and unashamed views.
The road to sexual confidence and freedom doesn’t have to be hard or awkward. The strategies we use are catered specifically to the custom needs of each client. Sexual confidence and exploration of your deepest, darkest desires can be difficult but years of experience have taught me the finer intricacies of quickly finding your comfort zone and moving on from there. A number of resources can be utilized until the client is comfortable enough to speak directly. I have checklists, reading material, and ebooks as well as options for email, texting, and talking.
Each session will be followed up by a personal email detailing what we discussed, solutions to try, resources to check out, and any personal notes that I feel would help you in your journey. We are all about gaining knowledge and insight while experimenting and trying new things that bring you happiness and ecstasy. Being bold and confident enough to go after what you desire without being weighed down by negative societal views or shaming. Being brave enough to verbalize what you want sexually without being embarrassed.
Come in. Get dirty.
Our experiences run the gamut from tame to taboo. There is one thing that can be agreed upon…some people just really need help when it comes to going after what they want sexually.
- Shame
- Embarrassment
- Uneasiness
- Lack of Experience
- Shitty role models
- Unrealistic books/movies/stories
The result is generally the same. Nightmarish sexual sessions that neither person ever wants to experience again.
I swear to you right now that gaining sexual confidence is NOT that hard, NOT that difficult, and NOT that embarrassing.
Back in the day, I spent an inordinate amount of time experimenting and exploring fantasies with some very good role players in some pretty risque adult chat rooms. Just being able to anonymously share and discuss topics that most people pretended they didn’t ever think about gave me the courage to step outside my comfort zone a bit at a time before I just finally dove in head first.
Topics ranged wildly and some were definite eye openers. (Let me just say this here…nothing illegal, but definitely sexual practices that weren’t for everyone).
I find it hilarious now that after the success of 50 Shades, it is now apparently acceptable but back then, Oh wow…we heard nothing but what perverts we all were. How no one “normal” experimented with that sort of thing. How no woman would ever let that kind of thing happen in this day and age. We knew then what everyone knows now…Kink and exploration are IN and people are becoming more and more comfortable sharing their ideal lovers/sexual fantasies when they are out searching for a mate. It’s important to be sexually compatible.
Open Minded Fantasy Fulfillment. Kinda has a ring to it, right?!
My own experience lies in a preoccupation for sex and deviance since I can remember. Sex, seduction, fetishes, freaks, the rise and fall of relationships, so-called “normal” sex, experimentation, role play, fantasies, erotica, BDSM, and a host of other sexual topics that we will most definitely get into.
I swear a lot. I get a bit vulgar. I know ways to increase your chances and your confidence and I would LOVE to help.
I’ve learned one thing over and over…NO ONE is “normal.” EVERYONE has some deep, dark, desire. The only difference is some have the confidence and motivation to grow, learn, and experiment as opposed to others who make excuses, hide behind some sense of fear or shame, and ultimately end up miserable because they never truly get what they desire.

Be honest, explore in a safe environment with someone you can trust and lets see what happens. I have NO DOUBT that before long, you will be living the sexually confident and fantasy fullfilled life you’ve always wanted…Whether you’re a man or a woman!
What you’ll find at Whorified.com:
- Tips
- Instructions
- Ideas
- Information
- Anything else that seems important will be fair game. I have a list of categories already and will probably start with topics that show the most interest. I understand the need for privacy and discretion online so if you message me a question or topic suggestion, just let me know that you prefer not to have your name associated with it and I will keep it private.
~Bryony Phoenix
Be sure to check out the BLOG.
Whorified: Love, Lust, and Longing @ The House of Hustle
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