Bryony Phoenix

Welcome to!  My name is Bryony Phoenix and it is my absolute pleasure to welcome you to my home away from home.  Whorified’s House of Hustle was built specifically to share and exchange information and inspiration to those looking to embrace and explore their sexual interests in a kink friendly environment.  Sexual confidence and safety are topics near and dear to my fetish-filled heart.  Whether you’re new to this or have years of experience, I’m positive we will find plenty to discuss and explore.

Enhance, Explore, Educate, and Enjoy.  Definite words to live by when you are seeking to live your ultimate sexual fantasies.  I probably spend way too much time and energy learning about other people’s sex lives, or lack thereof.  The lack of confidence and/or experience are a big problem for many people.  It keeps them from going after what they want which in turns leads to frustration and a very unsatisfactory sex life.  That is where I come in.  My main interests and emphasis lie along the kink and alternative lifestyles but I also spend a lot of time involving myself in talking about and promoting sexual confidence and open communication.  It’s safe to say I have a major pre-occupation with sex and the many nuances associated with it.


My own journey began before I even knew there were words for people like me.  Anyone care to venture a guess as to where my own interests lie?  90% of people get this question wrong.  I can completely understand why, but that is for an article all itself.

If you decide to stick around a while, you are sure to hear me talk quite a bit about the roles I have played throughout the years.  When I first started building this page, I was definitely masochistic, but also identified as a submissive.  Realistically though, I was a fucking brat.  It is very hard for me to “let go” and let someone else be in charge.  I absolutely love mind games, and love even more to lose at such games, under the right circumstances though. I am very assertive and dominant acting in my day to day life.  In the bedroom though, I preferred to be under someone else’s control. 

A few years ago, I was asked to test out my more dominant side.  I can do it, I can pull it off convincingly, but it isn’t truly where my heart lies.  So, even after many, many years, and tons of experiments – ya know, “for science”, I am also still learning a few things about myself.  

Anyway, please, take a look around.  Feel free to ask questions or suggest topics for discussion.  I am here to help and I look forward to sharing, growing, and helping you gain the confidence needed to find your ultimate and true sexual selves.


Bryony Phoenix